Many travelers expend hours choosing the right flight, and then spend just a mo or two picking the hotel . All too frequently, the briny factor when choosing a hotel is the price . Its an important factor, but it shouldnt accept the last say.
Verify whether these are non-transferrable for your partner so that it can be a big consideration in choosing the hone kin hotel . Apart from your partner, involve your kids in the planning as well . In the sami way, ask them about their preferences, especially your sr. kids . Are they looking for a hotel with a big pool or a room with a tub?
Much ilk Bishop, Bownes agrees that a organize booking is always best, with The Zetter Townhouse even out offer price reductions to wiz members . Remember to book in advance to avoid letdown though.
Your budget . Ultimately, the measure you tip hotel housework depends on your budget . If you can, count acknowledging the physically arduous service that housekeepers put up by tipping liberally . If your budget is limited, a $1-to-$2 tip per day with a handwritten thank you short letter is a serious-minded gesture.