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Define Your Target Market Before you can lead off planning your micro-hotel, you motive to identify who your place marketplace is . This will assist you determine the emplacement, size, and creature comforts of your line . For example, are you catering to family units, couples, or business travelers ? Will your clients be in the first place from the local area, or will they come from out of town ? Once you realize your direct market, you can commence to tailor your business plan to contact their needs.
The Townhouse besides has off-season menstruations round the beginning of the yr, and in July and August, when room prices are typically depress so you can enjoy more or less luxury and save a bit of money too.
Interactions with staff . Housekeepers usually execute their trick spell you’re away from your room so they don’t interrupt your bide . But sometimes you power interact in person — for example, when making a quick stumble backward to your room twelve noon . A positive interaction with housework might warrant a higher tip for friendly guest service.