Yes , you can direct the little shampoo bottles . No, you can’t acquire the robe.
Apart from all this, you may as well want to consider whether the family hotel you are eyeing is anyplace near the airdrome, to save you the tussle of booking a last-hour aerodrome transferee . This can be trying, especially with little shavers in tow.
If you you aren’t well-chosen with the first base room you find, ask if you can calculate at the other rooms available . Often, handlers try to replete the least desirable rooms first, so you may be surprised to find that other available suite receive a much better survey, or even more than room.
Condition of your room . Your housekeeper volition take account you for putting scrap in the squander bin and, in general, for treating your room like you would your place . But if you entrust your hotel room in disarray spell on vacation — for example, empty pizza pie boxes on the floor, soda water cups or drink bottles strewn roughly — tip your hotel housekeeper accordingly.