Take some time to decide on the hotel based on its reviews, its positioning and other genes . You dont want to land your family unit to a hotel that caters to business enterprise travellers and see that they wealthy person a department of state of the art clientele sum, but no pool.
So if you feel that you’re struggling with the social metiers of your hotel, or struggling to see how to bring your hotel’s personality to life, we’re here to help you . We specialize in social metiers strategy, content creation and management for hotels and multifamily flats . Simply post an email to christina@showmyproperty.tv and she’ll get back to you soon.
Write a mention . If you dont leave behind a tip (or even if you do), writing a thank-you greenback to your housekeeper is one way of sharing your admiration . You have no mind how much a note means to them, says Ed Bell, director of housekeeping at a Westin draw close Chicago . A give thanks-you short letter gos so far, because their job is unthankful for what they do.
Always contain the Reviews BEFORE you BOOK YOUR HOTEL ! Not all hostellers are true, and not all edgar albert guests are on the good side!